Saturday, September 20, 2014

There is a reason for every season!

You come across and notice the most amazing things when you go looking an searching for positivity and motivation and inspiration. One time I watched the Oscar award winning American actor, Morgan Freeman's biography. He became a star late in life and he did off Broadway plays and some TV shows. He had been putting in tons of work for years and years. Through his travels he landed a gig on a show called the Electric Company (one of those Romper room Sesame street little kid type of shows) He was pissed off and mad because after all the years of work he had done he was doing some damn little kid show. He said he hated it he was drinking heavily and he said he hated the electric company, and where he was in life. But, because the Electric Company was a show designed to help teach kids reading and grammar they made him take these voice and diction classes to improve his own voice grammar skills. A lot of the work and success that Morgan Freeman went on to encounter in his career was because of his voice, diction and his ability to annunciate. He even went on to have tons of voice-over success. Ironically, those skills were developed and sharpened doing work that he hated to do, in a place that he hated being in. Some of his biggest lessons and boosts to his career, he got when he was in a position in life that he absolutely hated. Those skills and lessons, that he learned when he was in a place he hated gave him what he needed to go on and win an Academy Award. I wonder if the academy award would have been possible, if he didn't do the Electric Company.

I guess the moral of the story is.YOU ARE RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE! 
Where you are right now, there are lessons and skills that you are developing that you are going to need for the next part of your journey! Move forward with the full faith and confidence that where you are now is nothing more than training grounds for the mission and life that the UNIVERSE has in store for you! So if you are encountering struggle, obstacles, adversity smile and keep going! Because, that means that the process is working!

If you are currently going through hell..... KEEP GOING!
-Winston Churchill



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