Friday, September 26, 2014

Life goes on, so should you!

One of my favorite television shows of all time was this show called "I shouldn't be alive" Its a show about people who somehow end up in life or death situations , and they somehow survive. This one particular episode was about this guy who had gone scuba diving with a few other people in the middle of the ocean somewhere miles and miles away from land. They chartered a boat and headed out to sea. Everyone gets out of the boat and starts scuba diving. They go under water and everyone comes back up except for this one guy. After they are done, everyone makes their way back to the boat except this one guy. The staff on the boat did not take a count of everyone they had on board and they assumed that everyone was back on board and a terrible storm was brewing so when they though they had everyone back on board, they headed back home. So by the time this other guy had come back to the surface he looked around and the boat was gone. He spent the first few hours just drifting around the sea, hoping that the boat or some boat would appear to pick him up. hours had gone by and no boat. He decided he was going to try to swim for it.. But, he had no clue what direction to swim in. As far as he could see, all he was so was water. He could see no land in either direction. HE was literally in the middle of the sea. So, he makes a swim for it. He swims as hard as he could for hours and hours. Along the way he is attacked by jelly fish and all other types of sea creatures. Eventually hours turn into a day and he would swim get tired, drift and rest and swim again. He was at the point of fatigue and dehydration from the salt water. Many times he thought of just giving up and just drowning. One day had turned into two. At his darkest and most depressed hour as he was thinking about giving up. a piece of drift wood floated nearby. He thought that it would be his savior, finally the answer to his prayers. He swims over to the driftwood and he goes and leans on it and the piece of wood keeps him afloat. He can finally get some sort of rest. So he leans on this piece of wood and keeps this piece of wood for about a day or so. But, he soon realizes that he can no longer swim as long as he is leaning on this piece of wood.  He will just drift and drift in whatever direction the wood goes. So, now he is faced with a new decision. If he keeps the piece of wood he will be able to rest and lean on it and feel safe and secure. But he knows that he wont make it anywhere and he will eventually die in the middle of the ocean on that safe and secure piece of wood. But, if he lets it go he can now swim and at least try to make it to his destination but he will do so without the safety and security of the wood. He contemplates what he should do, he makes up his mind that he is going to try to save himself. He is going to let the wood go and he is going to try to swim for it. He lets the wood go, but now his safety and security is gone. He decides he cant do it and he goes back and gets the piece of wood. He holds onto the wood for another day or so. By this time about 2 or 3 days had gone by. He realized that he was getting nowhere so he finally decides to let the piece of wood go for good. He lets the wood go once and for all and starts to swim for it. The wood finally drifts out of sight. Once his sense of security is gone it makes him even more determined to reach his destination. He turns the lack of safety and security into the fuel he needs to reach his goal. He swims and swims as hard as he could, he look sup and he can see the coast of some island. Being able to see his destination he swims and swims harder until he finally reaches the island. He survived! He made it! He was alive.

I guess the moral of this story is that sometimes in life we too, hold onto things that we think somehow offer us "safety and security". We hold onto things that make us feel better and more comfortable. We hold onto certain relationships, attitudes, friends, jobs, stuff from our pasts. We hold onto anger and bitterness and memories that make us feel better but, wont allow us to get anywhere because they are too heavy to swim with.  But as long as we hold onto these things we will never be able to swim. And If we cant swim, we will only be able to drift around aimlessly and hope that someday we will reach our destinations or someday we will be rescued. If it is important to us that we reach our destinations, at some point we will have to decide to LET STUFF GO OR ELSE WE WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MOVE TOWARDS OUR DESTINATIONS.

After my daughter passed away I was angry at doctors and angry at the nurses and I was just angry. But, it soon hit me that that my anger wasn't going to affect those doctors or nurses at all. It was only going to affect me. My anger was my problem and my problem alone. No doubt it was my right to be angry. But, the ultimate question was is my anger doing me or my family any good. It was only holding me back. Instead of it being dead weight I decided to LET THE ANGER GO, I decided to instead use it as fuel to propel me to my destination, my dreams my goals and to do it in my daughters honor. Letting go turned out to be HOW I SURVIVED!

So its decision time for us. Its time to decide if the things that we are holding onto are really doing us good or holding us back. Once we make a decision that they are holding us back its time to LET THEM GO AND START MOVING CONFIDENTLY IN THE DIRECTION OF OUR DREAMS! LET THEM GO AND THEN USE THE FACT THAT THEY ARE GONE AS YOUR FUEL TO KEEP PUSHING TOWARDS YOUR DREAMS AND YOUR GOALS. IF YOU ARE HOLDING ONTO IT AND ITS NOT BENEFICIAL TO YOU, LET THEM GO AND GET MOVING TOWARDS YOUR DREAMS!

“Life goes on, so should you.”
-T. L. Hines




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