Thursday, September 11, 2014

How to save a life!

I remember when my daughter passed away, I went into Stew Leonard's to do all of the flower arrangements and stuff. I was walking into the store and even though there may have been hundreds of people in the store, I felt all alone and numb, It didn't even feel like I was walking, it felt more like I was floating or drifting in a bubble or a world all my own. It felt like there was no one who could relate to or understand  my pain or hurt or sadness or disappointment etc. Feeling so alone made the pain all the worse.

I get to the florists counter and she asked how she could help. I'm trying to keep from blinking so that no tears would fall on her counter. I explained to her that my daughter had passed away and she started to tear up also and she explained to me that she too had lost her son about 2 years ago, and suddenly that lonely bubble I was in opened up and I felt a little better because she was suddenly in there with me and she gave me advice and her number and email address and she created a beautiful flower arrangement and she came to my daughters funeral and all that. She told me that it made her feel better that she made me feel better.

Her ability to function and work and be positive and encourage me was just the inspiration I needed. She showed me that there is laughter, hope, happiness, joy after tragedy or loss. She let me know that it was possible to still be positive again. Without any cape, or superpowers or costume, this lady was a superhero to me. She rescued me from the despair, hopelessness, anger, negativity and bitterness that I could have so easily slipped into. She saved my life.
But, Then I started thinking we could all be superheroes just by being as positive and productive and joyful and as encouraging as possible. We have all been through some things and have had tragic circumstances. But if we can remain positive, we will show others that they too will survive their tragedy and they too can someday be happy and peaceful and positive also. We can show them that there is life after tragedy and we too can rescue others from hopelessness, anger, negativity and save others lives just like that florist did for me. We can save lives too.  We don't need capes or the ability to fly or x ray vision or anything. All we need to do is remain positive and encourage!

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
-Mahatma Gandhi



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