Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"Failure" is an impostor!

I have a cousin from Wilmington North Carolina, who ever since she was a child always said that she wanted to be an actress. That Is all I remember her ever saying she wanted to be. It was all she ever talked about. She moved off on her own to the Big city of Washington DC to go to college. It was a brand new start and a brand new life making the adjustment from Raleigh, North Carolina. She was in a brand new city all alone. She graduated and got a bachelors degree from Howard University. But, she still had her sights set on being an actress. But, Washington DC was no place for a blossoming actress. She needed to be where the action was. So after working a job in DC for a while, she took the leap. She was so focused and dedicated on making her dream come true that, she decided she was going to chase her dream.  She decided to leave her comfort zone and all of the friends that she made and connections that she had established and move to Hollywood,  Los Angeles California. Again, a brand new start, brand new city to get used to where she didn't know anyone. She was all on her own again, to get used to another whole culture and way of living. She chased that dream down with a vengeance. She touched down in town and took off running. She auditioned and auditioned and she went out for part after part, established contact after contact. She met with a little bit of success and landed a few roles. But it wasn't they weren't the dream that she had been chasing. After a few years of trying to make it, she decided that she would be a television actress and she moved from LA to New York. She never got bitter or negative. She arrived in New York established a lot more contacts and chased and chased that dream and auditioned and auditioned and put in tons of work and took more acting classes and even made her directorial debut in NY. She pushed as long and as hard as she could in NY. But the successes that she had just didn't measure up to the dream that she had envisioned. At this point sensing time was going by she wanted to do something else she wanted to maybe try to go in another direction so she moved back to MD/DC went back to Howard University and got her masters degree. She got her masters degree and started working. Even though she took a brief rest from acting while she was in school, she couldn't shake the calling. After getting her masters degree she moved back to North Carolina and started working another job. After moving back to North Carolina, after chasing her dream across the country and back, she ran into a few contacts of hers that she had worked with and had established in New York and LA. They remembered her and her work ethic from when they had met or worked together previously. When I spoke to her last, she told me that she was had just finished writing 2 scripts just finished shooting in two films that she was acting in. She had just wrapped on a short film that she directed, and has 2 more roles lined up that she is looking forward to playing. After all of the chasing her dreams around the country and working so hard to chase her dream, it was when she decided to get out of her own way and let the universe do the work was when her dream started chasing her. Her acting dreams chased her down and came true in Raleigh North Carolina. Not necessarily one of the cities you think of moving to when you want to be an actor.

She could have taken each of those experiences as "failures", got negative and bitter and decide to give up on her dreams completely and forget all about them. But in the end it was her "failures" that gave her the information and the know how and the contacts and connections to make her dreams come true in the end.

As long as you never give up and maintain a positive attitude, when you "fail" it simply means that you are  just planting seeds for your future success. And all you can do is plant the seed, water it , fertilize it, nurture it daily. But once that seed is in the ground you cant control how quickly it will grow. The universe takes care of that part Your "Failure" is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. With more information, with new contacts, a new attitude, a better idea of what wont work etc.
My cousin is indeed on her way to super success and we WILL see her accept an Academy award one day. And as long as we are all diligently working towards our goals and recognize "failure" for the impostor that it really is and we keep planting these seeds, and keep watering them and nurturing them everyday and we continue to have faith and believe, we will ALL reap a huge harvest. They will read about us too! Please don't give up! you have come too far. We will talk about this more in the winners circle!


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