Friday, September 12, 2014

Master Gardeners

I was like 22 years old I was working on Wall Street, building a business, chasing a dream as a brand new stockbroker And I remember looking out the window down on Wall Street at all of the players wit big fancy cars and big fancy suits and I remember at the time making no money at all holes in my shoes and clothes and all that. I was going home with negative checks. I remember being extremely frustrated looking at how everybody else was living. All of my friends could buy new clothes and had cars and I remember wanting to quit and just give up and get a regular job like everyone else so I could have the regular stuff that everyone had. And just at that moment a very good friend of mine called me and we talked and I expressed my frustration to him. He said don't worry you the rewards of your work aren't coming to you immediately because the universe is saving it up for you, and when you do get yours it's gonna be so much bigger than what you see everyone around you getting now. He told me to hang in there and Keep going! That conversation and his words, at that time planted seeds of success in my mind and I kept going!

 My friend probably doesn't even remember the conversation. But that's my point. The words that we speak to one another can be the very things that can push us to keep pursuing our dreams or sometimes take our own lives whether we know it or not! Whether we are accountants, lawyers, janitors, social workers, teachers, policemen/women, public servants etc. We are ALL gardeners. Every single day with every single interaction with another we ALL plant seeds. The seeds we plant in each others minds can determine a persons decisions or thought process thus, our words, these seeds can determine the course of someone's life. As farmers we also have the task of removing negative or harmful weeds from each others minds (those seeds of doubt, fear, hate, negativity, bitterness, anger) by encouraging one another. If we plant seeds of positivity, growth, strength, encouragement, motivation, inspiration etc. These seeds will take root and grow in each others minds. From that, more seeds of positivity, strength, love and PEACE will grow and can be spread to others and based on the seeds we plant we can create beautiful fields of love, positivity, strength, growth, success and PEACE etc.

Our words to each other have tremendous power. They can build or destroy!
Lets choose them carefully! 



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