Tuesday, August 5, 2014

They will see you coming from a mile away!

When we were in the hospital with my daughter towards the tail end, I was searching frantically all over the Internet and everywhere for possible cures or treatments. I found this place in "Brazil" that did some sort of "cell replacement" procedure and they would be able to restore her back to normal health for the low price of $50,000. There was another "company" that had some "electro therapy" machine that we could hook her up to and for only $25,000 we could restore her to perfect health. At first I'm excited ready to come up with this money to get my little girl back. I did a little more research and found that both were complete scams. They were all tangled up in lawsuits from people who fell victim before I had a chance to. 

When you are fearful, afraid and desperate you are a perfect target! 
This is capitalism, and EVERYONE is trying to eat! There are people who 
prey on your fear, desperation! Because if you are weak, fearful and desperate, you are more likely to make an emotional and not logical decision and hence become a victim! 

I've learned a simple solution.



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