Monday, October 6, 2014

Things could ALWAYS be worse!

One time we were in Ikea in New Haven. (This was towards the tail end of my daughters life) and there was this lady and she was pushing around a cart or some sort of stroller and in the cart/stroller was a little girl. I would guess the girl was maybe 12 or 13 years old but she was extremely small and had some sort of brace around her head. It looked like she had some form of dwarfism and maybe some other handicaps. But I can hear the little girl talking. So I'm looking at the mother and the little girl, and the mother gave me this mean look as though she thought I was staring at her daughter in some bad, condescending or derogatory way.

I remember it vividly because at the time, my daughter was in a hospital dying. She was on 15-20 different medicines hooked up to about 5 machines. She couldn't move on her own at all. I hadn't heard her voice or her make noise in over a year.  So I wasn't really staring at the lady and the girl in any derogatory or judgmental or condescending way.  I was just kind of looking at the woman and the little girl in my own world. Like I was in some kind of  a trance. I wasn't thinking any bad or derogatory thoughts. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I was actually thinking of how lucky the mother was. Despite the little girls handicaps and dwarfism, I was thinking how lucky the mother was to be able to speak with her daughter and hear her daughters voice, and how lucky the mother was to be able to pack her daughter up and bring her into stores and take her shopping and stuff.


1) That no matter how bad our circumstances are or might get, I have learned not to be negative or bitter or angry about my circumstances. I have instead learned to be grateful, because, no matter how bad we think we  have it, no matter how bad life seems, no matter how big or bad our problems are there are people in the world who would love to trade problems with us because theirs are just so much worse. I'VE LEARNED TO BE GRATEFUL FOR OUR CIRCUMSTANCES, BECAUSE THEY COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE.

2) In any given situation you never know what a person you encounter is going through or dealing with. The best bet is to just love EVERYBODY, and learn to respect and appreciate everybody and their story. Because EVERYBODY HAS A STORY!

3) Don't take for granted the fact that children are always just born healthy. It doesn't always go that way. Don't lose sight of exactly how blessed you are to have living, breathing, healthy children.

4) etc etc,



I can go on forever with lessons I learned from this experience. But I wont, Ill leave y'all alone but before I do, please CELEBRATE YOUR LIVES, AND GIVE THANKS FOR YOUR CHILDREN!



  1. You never really know what another person has experienced or what challenges they may be facing. You have to remind yourself of that before you make judgments about people. Your story above about the woman in Ikea is an example. I surely can understand her being protective of her daughter and easily offended by anyone who looked at her cross-eyed, but she had no idea what was happening in your life.

    1. I understood her protective look as well. I was able to see it her perspective as well as mine. I too know what those stares feel like! You never can tell. I suppose it would probably just be easiest to treat everyone we meet, with love, compassion and respect! Thanks for reading! PEACE!

  2. I am sorry about your daughter but admire your fortitude.

  3. This is very nice. I have seen this statement about no feet many time and always it shakes me and makes me to think about all those things that we take for grated and complain. I love your poem and this is what we must remember all the time. We must think towards the deprived ones it will help us to move away from our complains.
    We need to be thankful to our Creator all the time that He has granted us with every blessing and try to help unfortunate ones.
    I hope you will visit my blog too.

    1. Thank you very much for reading. Your comment was well said. I appreciate it. I am on my way to your blog right now. You should post the link to your blog in here. Thanks again PEACE!

  4. Good read. I learned to stop complaining a long time ago.

  5. Thanks for reading! I appreciate it. I just checked your blog out. really great informative stuff. I liked your Facebook page and Followed you on Twitter. You have really great tools and resources. Thanks again.

  6. This was beautiful! I had to pin your picture on Pinterest.It will be a great reminder to always look at the positive. I love the message.
