Saturday, October 25, 2014

Live on purpose!

Ever since I was a little kid, I always thought my purpose in life was to get money and be rich. I just knew that this was my purpose, so I chased it down vigorously. I was going to get filthy stinking rich. I didn't quite know how I would do it. But at an extremely early age, I set out to accomplish my mission of finding my life's purpose of getting rich by any means necessary. I thought it was a part of my mission so as a kid in search of my purpose I read Think and Grow Rich several times when I was a kid. I read What Makes the great, great. I read The Magic of Thinking Big, The Power of Positivity. As a Man Thinketh, The Master Keys to Riches etc. I thought I would find my purpose of getting rich by selling cars, selling encyclopedias, selling vacuum cleaners, Kitchen Knives, Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds etc. I was pursuing what I thought was my purpose of becoming rich. I was in the game. I was out there reading, trying stuff and failing, getting hurt, learning lessons, experiencing stuff. I spent years chasing down and looking for my purpose but for some reason, I could never find it.

But, years and years later when my daughter passed away and we were planning my daughters funeral with the pastor. We get to the part about who is going to do the eulogy and I tell him that I will be delivering it. I felt like no one would be able to verbally serve my daughter justice better than I. I almost felt like it would have been disrespectful to my daughter to have anyone do her eulogy but me. The pastor says I don't think that's a good idea. "It may be a little too hard or emotional for you on that day". I told him I was cool, and I had it under control. I wanted her eulogy to be not some sad somber occasion but I wanted it to be more of a PEACE, POSITIVITY, MOTIVATIONAL, GRATTITUDE, LOVE, ENCOURAGEMENT seminar or rally. The day of the funeral comes and I'm crazy nervous. I'm like maybe the Pastor was right. What if I cant handle this? What if nobody is moved by anything I say? What if I don't say the right words to honor my daughters memory? What if I get overwhelmed with emotion and breakdown and cry? Oh no, what have I done? What have I gotten myself into? I know, I'll call the Pastor and I will back out. I'll tell him I cant do it. But, then all of a sudden it hits me. Along my journey, I learned first hand about the power, importance of faith, love, hope and positivity, I learned that the best "things" in life aren't "things" at all. I learned the power of never giving up. I learned not to take life for granted etc. I felt like if I didn't share my experiences and lessons that I had learned with others, they would all die with me. Everything I learned and experienced and have grown through would be wasted if I didn't share the lessons with others. It also hit me that I had a built in audience that had to listen to me, who wouldn't dare boo me or tell me to get off the stage. All of a sudden, my need and my desire to share and spread love and positivity and motivation and inspiration became more important than my fear or nervousness.

The day of the funeral was here. Its eulogy time, I get up to the podium and there was maybe 150 people or so in the crowd. This was my first time doing any type of public speaking and it happens to be my daughters eulogy. I get up and I'm nervous and sweating and I'm a little scared. But then I think about the importance of my message and the fear and nerves all get pushed aside and I delivered my message and this is just a personal opinion but I think I rocked it! When I was done this incredible feeling of strength almost like some kind of a rush or high came over me. At the time I really couldn't explain it. But, now I can. That feeling that came over me, that rush, that high that came over me when I was on the mic behind that podium was the feeling of me finally identifying and finding my purpose after all of those years of searching for it.

AFTER YEARS AND YEARS OF SEARCHING I HAD FINALLY FOUND MY PURPOSE! I learned that my purpose in life, the reason I was put here is to spread as much MOTIVATION, INSPIRATION, POSITIVE ENERGY, PEACE AND LOVE to as many people as I possibly can. AS IT TURNS OUT MY PURPOSE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY AT ALL!

I suppose the only reason I was able to find my purpose is because I had been looking for it. Had I not been looking and had just been kinda drifting through life, its quite possible that I would have drifted right past my life's purpose or it would have drifted right past me.

If you KNOW that your life has a purpose. If you KNOW that you were put here for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE, and you have identified your purpose. DO NOT GIVE UP ON IT! PLEASE KEEP GOING UNTIL YOU FULLFILL THAT PURPOSE! YOU WERE CHOSEN FOR IT, IT WAS CHOSEN FOR YOU FOR A VERY SPECIFIC REASON!

If you KNOW that you have a purpose but don't yet know what it is or haven't yet found it. PLEASE KEEP LOOKING! YOU ARE RIGHT! YOU DO HAVE A PURPOSE! SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND! DONT GIVE UP THE SEARCH! KEEP LOOKING!

There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.
-Napoleon Hill

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