Friday, October 3, 2014

B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E!

I went to Gorton High School in Yonkers, NY. I could never figure out why this one particular memory of Gorton stayed in my head. I couldn't understand it until recently. At the football games, the cheerleaders from Gorton had a specific cheer that I have always remembered. The cheer went B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E BE AGGRESSIVE BE AGGRESSIVE. Over the almost 20 years since I graduated high school I would actually say this cheer in my head to myself after all of these years. Then one day it dawned on me why. You see even before I got into high school and after I left high school I was on this mission or journey. It all started when I was about 6 years old. One of my oldest friends and I decide that we are going to take some of her moms cookies and sell them in front of the house for a quarter each. We made a sale, we turned nothing into something and I was hooked. From that day forward, all I wanted to do was get rich and be ridiculously successful. So after high school I went to college, but it wasn't enough, I wanted to get rich! So while I'm in college I see an ad where you could make a ton of money doing telemarketing, so I get into it. I start and everyone is saying how big this opportunity is and they are happy for me and supporting me and cheering me on. But, there was no way to get rich doing that. So I decide I'm going to get rich selling cars, Ill get rich for sure! And even then my cheering squad was still with me. But, the kind of rich that I wanted to get I couldn't achieve selling cars, So I read another ad where I can get rich cleaning carpets, I start cleaning carpets and it really wasn't for me. But, my family and friends are still in my corner cheering me on. I became a bar tender, stock broker, tried my hand at cooking, became a real estate agent, I met with a little success in each but they just weren't what I wanted to do, I discovered that these things would not be my conduit to the riches that I sought. So I left all of those things alone. By this time my cheering section seems like they are running out of steam. They are trying to be there and want to be there for me in full force to continue to cheer me on but. After this pattern of "Failure after failure" it kind of felt as though they were kind of giving up on me. Kind of disappearing on me one by one. But, I cant give up I got to become super rich and super successful. So, I keep going, I decide that I am going to start my own business. I still have the main core of my cheering staff in tact and still with me and cheering me on so, I'm  full speed ahead. I implement my business and its working success at last its growing. But my daughter was born extremely ill and demanded and passed away and demanded all of our attention and the business ended up on the back burner. Eventually the business faded away. and after this "Failure" It was at this point that I lost most of the members of my cheering squad. Everyone loved me and wished me the best for sure. But, there was no one left to tell me to get back up and keep trying. No one there to tell me to keep pushing on. What was I to do? I still needed to be super rich and super successful!

So, what do you do when suddenly your ideas and thoughts and plans aren't as exciting to everyone else as they are to you?  How do you move forward when it feels like your family and friends belief in you isn't as strong as it once was?  How do you push forward when those who once cheered you on are now suggesting that you just get a job like everyone else? What do you do when your cheering squad disappears and there is no one to cheer you on and encourage you anymore?
I mean after all your cheering squad is what makes the grind more bearable and tolerable. Its their encouraging you to get back up after you get knocked down, telling you that you are going to make it, its their belief in you which makes you want to almost succeed just for them. What do you do when your cheerleaders leave you?

I've learned that at times like this is when you must B-E  A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E, BE AGGRESSIVE. After all of these years I figured out why I remembered that cheer. It was because I would eventually at some point have  to become my own cheerleader. When my cheering section backed out on me, that wasn't a good enough excuse to give up. Just because they stop cheering for you doesn't mean that you should give up. What it means is that you are going to have to become your own cheerleader. See, your cheering squad hasn't traveled the path that you have they don't know that "failure" is not failure as long as you don't give up. They don't know that all "failure" does is give you the knowledge and the information that you need that will help you to succeed on your next attempt. They may have heard or read somewhere that "you have to stick to one thing" in order to be successful. But they don't know that its going to take you trying many different things before you can find that "one thing". You see, you know things that they don't. You know that in order for your dream to come true, THE PERSON THAT MUST BELIEVE IN IT THE MOST IS YOU!

So when you have that business, or idea in your mind and you share it with people and they aren't as excited as you are. And when there is nobody left to cheer you on because they have watched you "fail" over and over again. ITS OK. You simply have to cheer yourself on. You will need to B-E  A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E,  you just BE AGGRESSIVE and pursue your purpose and your dream with all of your might. Continue to know in your heart of hearts that you WILL be successful. You will fulfill your destiny and your dreams. KEEP BELIEVING, KEEP THE FAITH AND KEEP WORKING. You will look up and you will have cheer yourself on to victory!

"Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records."
-William A. Ward




1 comment:

  1. Hello Brian; I followed you here from your post on the self help quotes group on face book. I like the quote you chose. adversity can be a great teacher and motivator. I have felt often like no one gets me. this is a common theme among bloggers and other online business owners. However, I have since found the value of building a community of like minded people who will support and encourage you. If your previous cheerleading team has left you start a new one. i joined groups like bloggers helping bloggers on linked in and blog to build your business on google plus. I now have about 25 people who i can count on to read my posts, leave comments, and share my content. People are starting to sign up to my email list for the new blog. thanks for sharing this, Max aka the blind blogger aka mr. midway my two brands
