Friday, September 5, 2014

Give your troubles, trouble!

After my daughter passed away, we had a really really and I mean really tough time financially. Before she passed I was on FMLA (Family medical leave act) and wasn't getting paid. We had to pay $500 a month cash for a medicine that she needed that wasn't FDA approved. We just paid for a funeral and all of that stuff. Things were really tough financially. We were on the brink of losing our house, car and everything else. We were receiving foreclosure notices left and right. I applied for a mortgage modification and was denied 3 times. I had no clue what to do.they were going to take my house. It was hurtful, shameful, embarrassing. Originally  I just accepted it as defeat. I didn't know what to do. I knew that worrying about it all day everyday would do more harm than good. I made the decision that focusing on my problems wouldn't help. Maybe I should focus on the solution to the problem. I decided that day that I would never let another negative seed fall into and take root in my mind ever again. At the time I didn't recognize it as the law of attraction but that's exactly what it was. Even though my modification request was denied three times prior. I prepared another application packet and sent it off. Every day all day long I repeated the affirmation "I'm so happy and grateful now that my mortgage has been modified" I would hold the image in my mind of the person reviewing my application, I would envision the color of the suit he was wearing. I would vividly envision and would actually in my mind hear him stamping "approved" on my application. I envisioned him putting the application in his outbox bin to send to the next department. I envisioned my approval letter saying congratulations on it. I envisioned him putting my approval letter in one of those long white envelopes. I envisioned the mail room person in a blue uniform as he sealed the letter and he put it in one of those clear United States Postal Service bins with the blue writing on it and I envisioned them putting my letter in the mail. I envisioned what projects i was going to take on once my mortgage was modified. I envisioned how relieved and happy I would feel the day i got the letter. Every day I kept repeating "I'm so happy and grateful now that my mortgage has been modified". I envisioned every single step of the process exactly how I wanted it to turn out. 

 A few weeks later I get to my mailbox at home and I see a letter from my mortgage company. It happens to be in the exact envelope I envisioned. I go upstairs and open it up and the very first word I see is congratulations. It played out in real life exactly as it played out in my mind. 

After 3 failed attempts, I had no reason to believe that it was going to work on the 4th. All of the information in the application packet was the same. The only thing I can think of that was different was my state of mind and my energy. Maybe, you could call it a coincidence. I just don't believe in them. I believe that OUR THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS! We shape our realities and our lives with our thoughts. 

I guess the moral of the story is the next time you have a problem of any size. Don't dwell or focus on the problem. If you do, the problem will only get bigger and you will only attract more problems. Instead focus on the solutions to the problems and you will begin to attract solutions and then problems are no longer problems at all, they become opportunities. Envision every single detail of your victory or success etc. Feel the joy and happiness you will feel when it all works out. Repeat the affirmation. Try it out for yourself. Let me know how it works out!

Give your problems, problems! 
Give your troubles, troubles!

-William Shakespeare 

The world is ours!

The only requirement is we gotta THINK it so!


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