Thursday, September 25, 2014

Comfort zone aint no place for the successful!

I always knew that I wanted to be successful. I always knew that I had some sort of good stuff inside of me some sort of special gifts or talents inside of me that I would be able to use to help people and in turn make me successful. I just had no clue what those gifts and talents were or how to find them. It was torture, I knew that I wanted to be successful, but that was just about all that I knew.  I was always told and I always thought that I spoke well, and I have always tried to be a positive and motivational and inspirational person who tried to motivate, encourage and inspire my friends to maximize their potential. From time to time a few of my close friends and family would even say to me "hey, you should consider being a motivational speaker". I thought hey, maybe they are onto something. So the thought sat in my head for years and years and I thought to myself that's it, "Ill be a motivational speaker". So, I went on with my normal everyday life thinking man this is going to be great, if my friends and family notice my gifts and skills and talents, and they think that I should be a motivational speaker, surely the world will take notice someday. I will get my big break and success will be mine at last.  So, time goes on and I continue living my daily life. Going to my job and coming home, going to my job and coming home. Enough time starts to go by and I start getting frustrated. "Man, if I have these great talents and abilities and great stuff inside of me, that my friends and family keep telling me about, then why am I not successful"? Why aren't my dreams coming true? Why isn't anyone else noticing me or my gifts and talents. Suddenly it dawned on me that my friends and family alone weren't going to be a big enough audience for me to succeed. None of my family or friends had the connections to give me my big break. I started realizing that my big break would not be found on my couch or under my bed at home. I would not find my big break watching TV. I certainly wouldn't find my big break at my job or at home taking a nap.

I realized that in order for the world to notice me and my gifts and skills and talents, I would need to LEAVE MY COMFORT ZONE OF HOME AND MY JOB AND MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY and step out into the world and BE NOTICEABLE! The real test of how great the stuff inside of me was, was when the world heard my message and not just my friends and family. I needed the world to take notice. But, I was extremely nervous outside of my COMFORT ZONE because I thought, what if the world doesn't think I am as great as I do? What if the world doesn't think I'm as great as my friends and family do? But, I wanted to succeed that bad, and "failure and discomfort" were risks that I was willing to take. So, I started going out and meeting and speaking with people. I started going to this big church and meeting new people, I started doing a lot of volunteer work in my community which gave me more insight into people, I joined an organization called Toastmasters (An organization that helps you to develop your speaking and leadership skills). In Toastmasters I met a gentleman who started mentoring and coaching me with my speaking and presentation skills. One night in Toastmasters one of the members gave a speech on how she started her blog, and that planted seeds in my head about starting a blog. That following day, I started my own blog. I have since landed a speaking engagement or two. The world is beginning to take notice and I am on my way to the success that I have always wanted and desired and knew that I was capable of. 

I guess my point is that if you have an idea, or a business, or a plan and YOU KNOW that in your heart of hearts you have what it takes and that you were meant to be successful. If you have seeds of greatness in your head and in your heart that you want to blossom some day. YOU WILL NEED TO STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE IN ORDER FOR THEM TO GROW. Your friends and family are not going to be a big enough customer base to make you successful. Your seeds of greatness will not grow in your couch or in your bed. You will need to plant them in fertile soil which is out in the world. Don't worry about rejection or if the world doesn't think you are good enough. YOU ARE! if you weren't those seeds of greatness would have never been put in your head and heart in the first place. If you weren't good enough those seeds of greatness would have never been given to you.  Take your chances, go out into the world, learn, grow, get better, get stronger, make new connections, network with other people who also have seeds of greatness in them, establish new relationships. YOU WILL LEARN WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO IMPROVE , OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! ITS THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE A REASONABLE CHANCE OF MEETING UP WITH SUCCESS! SUCCESS WILL NOT BE FOUND AT HOME IN YOUR COMFORT ZONE!
Remaining in your comfort zone and expecting to be successful is probably like the equivalent of sitting home going fishing in your bathtub and hoping to land the big one. Chances are ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! IF YOU WANT FISH, YOU MUST GO WHERE THE FISH ARE!

I spent my life wondering how/if the world would ever notice the good stuff I had inside of me. Now I check my Blog statistics and I see readers and I get comments from readers in Bangladesh, New Zealand, UK, South Korea, India, Philippines, Spain, Croatia Japan, all over Africa, UAE, Mexico and the US etc and I am extremely humbled, grateful, thankful and appreciative and I start to think that maybe the world is starting to take notice. But, it would have never happened if I didn't step out of my comfort zone. 



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