Saturday, November 1, 2014


You know how whenever there was a fight in the school yard or any type of potentially dangerous situation and everyone would run towards the incident to see what was going on. My parents would always tell me when a fight breaks out or something bad starts happening, when other people start running towards it, they told me to run away from it. THEY TOLD ME TO RUN IN THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE DIRECTION AS EVERYONE ELSE. I asked, but what if I am going to break it up? My father explained that if a fight breaks out and I am anywhere near the scene, let’s say the police have to come and they start arresting people, or if they have to start shooting, my being on the scene dramatically increases my chances of getting shot or arrested or of something bad happening to me. He explained that it is too easy for you to get pulled into a dangerous situation just by being around it. He told me nothing good can come from you being exposed to or running to go see something bad. When danger pops up just run away from that danger in the opposite direction as fast as I can.

Years went by but I never forgot the lesson. Then, I started thinking, that hateful, nasty, negative, mean spirited, bitter, selfish, ungrateful, resentful people are the ultimate danger to positive people who are motivated and inspired to do and become and accomplish great things. The absolute worst thing that can happen to people who are positive and motivated who have huge dreams and goals plans and aspirations, is over exposure to negative, mean spirited, bitter, selfish, ungrateful, resentful people. Just like my father said, what happens if WHEN Karma comes to administer justice to those negative folks and you are on the scene, what happens if a little bit of their karma gets on you? It could possibly pull you in and could arrest or shoot down your goals and plans, dreams and aspirations.

I guess my point is if you happen to be a positive person with huge dreams, goals, aspirations and visions. If you know that you are destined for greatness. My recommendation to you is the same as my parents instructions were to me. When those dangerous hateful, nasty, negative, mean spirited, bitter, selfish, ungrateful, resentful people show up in your life don't run towards them to try to intervene, or "break it up", don’t run towards the negativity to investigate the causes of it. If your goals, plans, dreams, aspirations and future mean anything to you. When you spot the dangerous hateful, nasty, negative, mean spirited, bitter, selfish, ungrateful, resentful people, run away from that danger in the opposite direction as fast as you can and do not look back. Even if all of your friends and the whole crowd is running towards the danger YOU RUN IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION AS EVERYONE ELSE! YOUR dreams, goals and aspirations are YOURS and were given to YOU for a reason. YOU and only YOU are tasked with protecting them!

Just remember that.... 
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
-Thomas Jefferson

The world is ours, and we shouldn't let anyone talk us out of it!
It’s our time!